Sutasinee : Hello,My name is sutasinee. I want to talk to you about your business.
Sarita : Hello,I'm sarita Nice to meet you too. What business.?
Sutasinee : Umm!! The exchange between Thailand and Malaysia.
Sarita : of course
Sutasinee : exchange rate This is
Sarita : Exchange rates Thailand - Malaysia is 9.10
Sutasinee : WOW!! Exchange rates Thailand – Malaysia. High up rates. And Exchange rates Malaysia – Thailand?
Sarita : Exchange rates Malaysia – Thailand is 8.94. Why You Need To Know About Exchange Rates.
Sutasinee : I would like to do business exchange.
Sarita : of course, You need to study of each country currency.
Sutasinee : Yes now I'm studying it. It's very interesting.
Sarita : Good I was able to advise you if you want.
Sutasinee : Thank you, I have so many questions to ask you.
Sarita : Do not worry. I've been through a lot.
Sutasinee : May I have your business card.
Sarita : Ok wait.
Sarita : Phone number and address on a business card.
Sutasinee : Thanks for business cards. I will contact you again soon.
Sarita : Ok I have to go now. I have evening a meeting.
Sutasinee : ok thanks for the counseling
Sarita : Ok see you again sutasinee
Sutasinee : Thank you so much