Abstract. In the current study, Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was
implemented using GIS, to assess erosion risk on agricultural land in the
prefecture of Rodopi (Greece). USLE was programmed in ModelBuilder - an
ArcGIS application that creates, edits, and manages mathematical models.
Data processing and analysis of USLE factors was performed in the form of
raster layers. The R factor (rainfall-runoff factor) was calculated from monthly
and annual precipitation data of two meteorological stations in the area.
Calculation of K factor (soil erodibility factor) was based on soils properties
measured in-situ from past surveys. The LS factor (topographic factor) was
derived from the digital elevation model of the area. The C factor (cover and
management factor) was extracted using the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI) and remote sensing techniques. The P factor (support practice
factor) was set to 1 due to lack of data. The results showed that erosion risk
was minimal in the majority of the study area (58%) and highly severe in only
a small part of it (11%).