Figs. 11–14. (Fig. 11) H. leucospilota spermatid II (St2) with the nucleus (nu) contains coarse dense chromatin fibers and a single electron-opaque acrosomal
granule (Ac). The chromatin appear in uniformly size as the 20 nm fibers (4). The nucleus exhibits an intermediate region (arrow) that will later invaginate to
contain the periacrosomal material. This cell contains slightly cytoplasm which consists of few mitochondria (mi), the membrane-bound proacrosomal granules
(mp), themultigranular body (mb), and numerous dense granules (dg). (Fig. 12)H. leucospilota spermatid II (St2).Highermagnification of a longitudinal section
through the nucleus (nu). The nucleus contains chromatin fibers which appear as coarse dense granules. The chromatin appear uniform in size as the 20 nm
fiber (4) distributed throughout the nucleus. (Fig. 13) Cytoplasm region of H. leucospilota spermatid II that contains only two to three large ovoid mitochondria
(mi) lie at the base of nucleus. The tail (T) is extending from the distal centriole (DC) in the acute angle to the nuclear longitudinal axis. Mp: membrane-bound
proacrosomal granule. (Fig. 14) H. leucospilota spermatid II (St2) showing highly packed heterochromatin 20 nm fibers (4) in the nucleus (nu) surround by a
thin plasma membrane. Within the cytoplasm, the two mitochondria are fused to form a large single mitochondrion (mi). The membrane-bound proacrosomal
granules (mp) become scarce and appear in less electron-densed than in the previous stages. The electron-lucent vesicles (lv) are increasing in number. A pair of
centrioles lying perpendicular to each other with the proximal centriole (PC) situates near the nucleus and the distal centriole (DC) protruding to form the tail.