(4) The Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may appoint one of the directors of the board to be the Chairperson of the board.
(5) A director is to be paid such remuneration (if any) as is fixed in the director's instrument of appointment and is to be reimbursed for any travelling or personal expenses incurred in connection with the appointment to the board that the Minister thinks are reasonable. (6) Despite subsection (5), a director who is also a member of the Legislative Council or a member of the Legislative Assembly is not entitled to be paid remuneration as a director.
(7) Directors may be reappointed.
(8) A director may resign from office by delivering a signed letter of resignation to the Governor in Council. (9) The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister, remove a director, or all the directors of a board, from office. (10) If a vacancy occurs, or is about to occur, in the office of a director, the board may submit to the Minister the name of a person eligible to fill the vacancy.