Sepsis Screening Panels
Hematologic scoring systems using
multiple laboratory values (eg, white
blood cell count, differential count, and
platelet count) have been recommended
as useful diagnostic aids. No matter
what combination of tests is used, the
positive predictive accuracy of scoring
systems is poor unless the score is
very high. Rodwell et al described a
scoring system in which a score of 1 was
assigned to 1 of 7 findings, including
abnormalities of leukocyte count, total
neutrophil count, increased immature
polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)
count, increased I/T ratio, immature to
mature PMN ratio >0.3, platelet count
≤150 000/mm3, and pronounced degenerative
changes (ie, toxic granulations)
in PMNs.81 In this study, two-thirds
of preterm infants and 90% of term
infants with a hematologic score
≥3 did not have proven sepsis