My special place is a place that I basically spend my whole life there, 24/7 you’ll see me here walking around, playing a game, watching, or just getting a hot dog. it’s not a place that I don’t want to spend my time there, I wouldn’t want to play anywhere else or just hang out anywhere else. This place I have spent the ups and the downs of my baseball life. I have triumphed over the competition, but I have also been trampled upon by the opponent. This place I have spent time and a lot of money on. This place I have made friends… this place I have made enemies. This place makes me shiver whenever I smell the dirt or se the freshly cut grass in the outfield.
My special place is East Cobb baseball complex right across from Kell High School. This place is very large, it consists of eight baseball fields that stretches as far as the eye can see, it is amazing, the baseball fields are in two rows with a walk way in between the fields. Once you have hit the first two levels of fields you think that you are done because but you still have one more level to go and by the time that you get to that level then your legs will be shaking because you had to walk so far. Each and every field has a nice and soft dirt infield with a cool crisp green outfield, the walls in the outfield are so large they look like giants without the legs or arms or the faces.
The first time I came to East Cobb when my brother played here I was amazed at how large it was. Every time I went there from that point on I had a dream to play there some day. When my first tryout for an East Cobb team came I was more than nervous, I had a whole bunch of butterflies in my stomach because I knew that they wouldn’t take nothing less than perfect. All throughout the tryout I had this feeling that something was going to go wrong but I swallowed my tongue and went out there and had a great tryout ended up making the Astros.
This year I play for a team coached by my dad still out of east Cobb but not the Astros. Every time I go to practice I get this feeling in my stomach like I’m am about to throw up because my new coach likes to run a lot and I ‘m not a big fan of the running. Also all we have been doing lately because we couldn’t get on the field because it has been cold or kind of rainy, so all we have been doing is hitting in the cages, doing the same thing over and over and over and over again. So every time we go to hit I am so bored at practice and I feel like I’m about to go to sleep.
When I think about playing a game I always get this shivering feeling because my season hasn’t started yet so I can’t wait to play a game, even if we lose badly then I will still be satisfied with just playing the game. Our first game is about two weeks away, we are playing the sandy plains wildcats, the first time that I step out on to the field I will be jumping for joy because it has been a long time since I had played a baseball game. That is why East Cobb is my special place.