electron and use them to build up in image to increase the number of detected electrons a positively biased greed is placed in front t the detector the great attrack the secondary electrons and leads them to the SE detector and this is the way to generate and magnified image other rear part of the sample and stops there for a short time the number of secondary electrons is recorded in the SE detector the signal is amplified and displayed as a dart at the top left hand corner of the moniter, the elec in pan slightly to the right stops again the measurement is repeated, in the same way the next point on the sample are dealt with the principal is many recorded secondary electrons lead to a bright image point few electrons lead to a gray image point and not at all to a black one, an entire row is covered in this way, a second row, untill fine, early erector area has been scanned and an image appears on the monitor if new only a few but many midge point i used in the rest to scan a natural-looking the specimen surface can be scan on the monitor