Microclimate Temperature
For dependent variable microclimate temperature, an ANOVA test found that there was a significant
interaction between ballistic material and armor system (p ผ .0211), and there were significant main
effects for both dependent variables ballistic material (p ผ .0100) and armor system (p < .001). A
graph of the two-way armor system by ballistic material interaction for microclimate temperature,
showing a different pattern by ballistic materials, is presented in Figure 4.
Since there was an interaction, the main effect cannot be interpreted, but it is appropriate to look
at the simple effects (Freund & Wilson, 2003). As a result, three t-tests were completed, along with
two Tukey.05 post hoc analyses. There was no significant difference between Kevlar and Dyneema
for QG II (p ผ .223) and QG IV Ventilated (p ผ .963). However, for QG IV Not Ventilated, there
was a significant difference between Kevlar and Dyneema (p ผ .001) with Dyneema measuring
lower, as shown in Table 4.