Suan Khai, K. () The effectiveness of Thailand’s restrictive border tight control to tackle theirregular migration is highly questionable while the cabinet decision to deport the vastmajority of migrants who failed to apply for NV has increased the vulnerability of migrant workers which in turn adversely has got impact on the safety and security of migrants who are subject to deportation. In addition, throughout the period, there were many cases that deported migrants often return to Thailand with the assistance of agents and brokers during which migrants are taking the risk of exploitation by agents during the process of their journey in search of protection and economic survival strategy. Furthermore, Thailand’s economy has still got high demanding for cheap labor migrants, irregular migration flow would be still challenging to tackle with the existing huge migrant labors supply who would anyway desire to migrate to Thailand. Placing the restrictive barriers between high demand and supply would rather create a potential lucrative market for agents and brokers which most Burmese migrant labors often approach throughout the period. Finally, the labor migration policy should aim to obtain maximum benefits for both migrant workers and Thailand’s economy while ensuring the rights of migrant workers, both registered and unregistered (for instance, in the case of deportation procedures), by enforcing coherent migration policy which meets the need of current situation and dynamics of labor migration.