I am considering a career in Environmental related issues because i love to reach out to people,i love to take part in issues which require brain storming and producing positive answers to situations which look unable to solve.The world's present environmental status gives one the chance to meet people who are professionals and it motivates one to read further,carry out researches,travel around the world,provide answers for developing countries by imparting knowledge to people who do not know. Coming from a microbiology background backed with an environmental engineering and project management degree has really enhanced my knowledge on environmental and health issues,and how to handle them inorder to ensure successful completion.What interests me is that it is an avenue of learning ways to gradually meet the Uk and EU targets of reducing waste to 35% of 1995 allowance in 2020,also enhance my knowledge on the available ways of carrying out environmental projects or all projects both large and small,simple and complex which are all sustainable.