The procedure for the p-carotene and lycopene analyses was carried out according to the method of Englberger et al. (Englberger et al., 2006). The fresh Gac aril or the dried powder g) was placed into 35 ml of a 4:3 (vlv) solution of ethanol and n-hexane, which contained BHT. (0.1% in hexane) and the mixture was blended for 5 min at 5000 rpm. The residue was re-extracted with another 35 mL of the 4:3 (vlv) ethanol n-hexane and then washed twice with ethanol and once with hexane. the combined extracts were washed with deionised water, dried in a rotary evaporator and then diluted with the mobile phase solution. All operations were performed under subdued light to minimise oxidation of the carotenoids.