The incidence of CAPD patients at Srinagarind
Hospital from January 1995 to December 2005 was
322 cases. They were all included in the present study.
A standard Tenckhoff catheter was used in most
patients by both peel-away sheath bedside insertion
and mini-explore technique. CAPD was started in most
patients without a break-in period due to uremic conditions
and inadequacy of hemodialysis back-up. The
single bag connecting systems (both safe lock and
manual spike) were used in 85.4% of the patients. Peritoneal
dialysis solution used was a standard 1.5% dextrose
with lactate buffer 1.5-2.0 liters at four exchanges
per day. Patients and at least one of their caregivers
were trained to perform CAPD exchange by dialysis
nurses. The training process was composed of a video
demonstration, simulation with a mannequin, and an
evaluation of the trainee’s performance. The process
lasted for 3-5 days. Caregiver assisted exchange was
defined as one or more CAPD exchanges per day done
by a caregiver.