Design Issues on Living Hinges
Living hinges (also known as integral hinges) in a plastic part can be defined as thin, flexible
webs that connect two relatively rigid adjacent wall sections. They can be injection molded,
extruded or produced downstream via machining or stamping. The most durable of the three
types by far is hinges produced by injection molding.
A living hinge is formed when partially oriented polypropylene is cold drawn and flexed for the
first time, resulting in stretching ratios as high as 2 or 3 to 1. A tremendous increase in tensile
strength is then produced. Well-oriented webs have virtually unlimited fold endurance, assuming
the appropriate part design, resin, and molding conditions are utilized. Furthermore, they do not
stress-crack unless chemically attacked. Severe oxidizing environments (including direct
sunlight exposure) will degrade the service life of a polypropylene living hinge.
No test has ever worn out a properly designed and molded hinge of homo-polymer
polypropylene. In most cases, the testing was simply terminated after approximately a million
flexes. One hinge unit molded of a 4 melt flow rate homopolymer was flexed at 75°F (23°C) over
a 180° angle 300,000 times, then at -20°F (-28°C) for another 300,000 cycles, and finally at
75°F for 300,000 cycles, all without failure.
Fillers and reinforcements compounded into polypropylene will adversely affect hinge quality. As
the elongation (at yield) of the compounded product is reduced, hinge quality is sacrificed.
Consequently, high aspect ratio fillers and reinforcements including talc, mica, glass fibers can
yield very poor hinge life. Lower aspect ratio, treated calcium carbonate, on the other hand, may
be used if the hinge is properly designed and the expected number of flexes is limited.
The key to a good molded hinge lies in the ability to freeze polymer orientation during molding
prior to cold drawing. Upon flexing, the following polymer variables will affect the amount of
frozen orientation:
1. Molecular Weight: High molecular weight is very desirable. The lower the MFR, the better.
Lower melt flow rate resins make for more difficult molding.
2. Molecular Weight Distribution: A broad range of molecular weight distribution is important.
Longer chains cannot relax so easily as short chains. Reactor grades are better than their
controlled rheology counterparts.
3. Nucleation: By helping freeze orientation, nucleation will enhance hinge quality, especially
where thicker hinges (0.0 15 in./0.38mm) are concerned. However if there is melt flow
hesitation, nucleation may actually hamper quality.
4. Homopolymer and Random Copolymers versus impact Copolymers Thanks to their higher
starting tensile strength and low blushing characteristics, homopolymer and random copolymer
polypropylene grades will produce better hinges. However, for cold temperature applications
where the part requires impact resistance, impact copolymers are recommended.
5. Chemical Stability: The web is a relatively thin area, especially after cold drawing. a situation
which makes polymers more vulnerable to UV-induced degradation and stabilizer extraction.
Consequently, living hinge parts that are required to withstand exposure to UV light and or hot
and wet environments must be specially stabilized for long hinge life, and tested to ensure
ปัญหาการออกแบบในชีวิต Hingesสามารถกำหนดชีวิต hinges (เรียกอีกอย่างว่าเป็น hinges) ในส่วนพลาสติกบาง มีความยืดหยุ่นเว็บที่สองติดผนังค่อนข้างเข้มงวดส่วนการเชื่อมต่อ สามารถฉีดแม่พิมพ์extruded หรือผลิตน้ำที่ผ่านเครื่องจักรหรือปั๊ม ทนทานมากที่สุดทั้งสามคนชนิดโดยเป็น hinges ผลิตฉีดพลาสติกบานพับนั่งเล่นมีรูปแบบเมื่อแนวบางส่วนชนิดเย็นออก และ flexed สำหรับการครั้งแรก ผลลัพธ์ในยืดอัตราส่วนสูงที่ 2 หรือ 3 ต่อ 1 เพิ่มขึ้นมหาศาลในแรงดึงจากนั้นมีผลิตความแข็งแรง ห้องพักแนวเว็บได้แทบพับไม่จำกัดความอดทน ทะลึ่งใช้ออกแบบส่วนที่เหมาะสม เรซิ่น และเงื่อนไขของผู้บริโภค นอกจากนี้ พวกเขาไม่ความเครียดแตกยกเว้นสารเคมีโจมตี รุนแรงที่รับอิเล็กตรอนสภาพแวดล้อม (รวมถึงโดยตรงแสงแดดแสง) จะลดอายุการใช้งานของโพรพิลีนอยู่บานพับทดสอบไม่มีเคยผมบานพับที่ถูกออกแบบ และแม่พิมพ์ของโฮโมพอลิเมอร์โพรพิลีน ในกรณีส่วนใหญ่ การทดสอบเพียงยุติลงหลังจากประมาณล้านยืดหยุ่น บานพับหนึ่งหน่วยแม่พิมพ์ของการละลาย 4 กระแสอัตรา homopolymer ถูก flexed ที่ 75° F (23° C) ผ่าน180 องศามุม 300000 ครั้ง แล้วที่-20 ° F (-28 ° C) สำหรับวงจร 300000 อื่น และสุดท้ายที่75° F สำหรับวงจร 300000 ไม่มีความล้มเหลวทั้งหมดFillers และเพิ่มกำลังเพิ่มเข้าไปในโพรพิลีนจะกระทบคุณภาพของบานพับ เป็นthe elongation (at yield) of the compounded product is reduced, hinge quality is sacrificed.Consequently, high aspect ratio fillers and reinforcements including talc, mica, glass fibers canyield very poor hinge life. Lower aspect ratio, treated calcium carbonate, on the other hand, maybe used if the hinge is properly designed and the expected number of flexes is limited.The key to a good molded hinge lies in the ability to freeze polymer orientation during moldingprior to cold drawing. Upon flexing, the following polymer variables will affect the amount offrozen orientation:1. Molecular Weight: High molecular weight is very desirable. The lower the MFR, the better.Lower melt flow rate resins make for more difficult molding.2. Molecular Weight Distribution: A broad range of molecular weight distribution is important.Longer chains cannot relax so easily as short chains. Reactor grades are better than theircontrolled rheology counterparts.3. Nucleation: By helping freeze orientation, nucleation will enhance hinge quality, especiallywhere thicker hinges (0.0 15 in./0.38mm) are concerned. However if there is melt flowhesitation, nucleation may actually hamper quality.4. Homopolymer and Random Copolymers versus impact Copolymers Thanks to their higherstarting tensile strength and low blushing characteristics, homopolymer and random copolymerpolypropylene grades will produce better hinges. However, for cold temperature applicationswhere the part requires impact resistance, impact copolymers are recommended.5. Chemical Stability: The web is a relatively thin area, especially after cold drawing. a situationwhich makes polymers more vulnerable to UV-induced degradation and stabilizer extraction.Consequently, living hinge parts that are required to withstand exposure to UV light and or hotand wet environments must be specially stabilized for long hinge life, and tested to ensuresuitability
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