This research is aimed to study the impacts of alcohol marketing communications on 3-stage responses (a
cognitive stage, an affective stage, and a behavioral stage) among Thai youth in Bangkok. The 3-stage responses
in this study included 6 variables: awareness, attitude toward alcoholic beverage consumption, attitude toward
alcoholic beverages, attitude toward alcoholic beverage businesses, purchase intention to alcoholic beverages,
and alcohol consumption behavior. Survey research using self-administered questionnaires by multi-stage
sampling with 450 Thai undergraduate youths in Bangkok was used in this study. Descriptive statistics, simple
regression analysis (SRA), multiple regression analysis (MRA), simple logistic regression analysis (SLRA), and
multiple logistic regression analysis (MLRA) at the 0.05 level of statistical significance were used for analyzing
the data. The research findings can be concluded that ten alcohol marketing communications tools including 1)
mass media advertising, 2) outdoor advertising, 3) in-store media advertising, 4) public relations, 5) personal
selling, 6) sponsorship, 7) sales promotion, 8) online marketing, 9) direct marketing, and 10) event marketing
affected all 3-stage responses among Thai undergraduate youth in Bangkok significantly. Evidences from this
study suggest that alcohol advertising and other alcohol promotions to young people should be limited. As a
result, this study is very beneficial for policy makers and public health organizations in all countries, especially in
Thailand, for preventing alcohol consumption among youth more effectively.
This research is aimed to study the impacts of alcohol marketing communications on 3-stage responses (acognitive stage, an affective stage, and a behavioral stage) among Thai youth in Bangkok. The 3-stage responsesin this study included 6 variables: awareness, attitude toward alcoholic beverage consumption, attitude towardalcoholic beverages, attitude toward alcoholic beverage businesses, purchase intention to alcoholic beverages,and alcohol consumption behavior. Survey research using self-administered questionnaires by multi-stagesampling with 450 Thai undergraduate youths in Bangkok was used in this study. Descriptive statistics, simpleregression analysis (SRA), multiple regression analysis (MRA), simple logistic regression analysis (SLRA), andmultiple logistic regression analysis (MLRA) at the 0.05 level of statistical significance were used for analyzingthe data. The research findings can be concluded that ten alcohol marketing communications tools including 1)mass media advertising, 2) outdoor advertising, 3) in-store media advertising, 4) public relations, 5) personalselling, 6) sponsorship, 7) sales promotion, 8) online marketing, 9) direct marketing, and 10) event marketingaffected all 3-stage responses among Thai undergraduate youth in Bangkok significantly. Evidences from thisstudy suggest that alcohol advertising and other alcohol promotions to young people should be limited. As aresult, this study is very beneficial for policy makers and public health organizations in all countries, especially in
Thailand, for preventing alcohol consumption among youth more effectively.
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