Analysis of Discrete & Integrated Circuits for
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
Aditya Kurude1, Mayur Bhole2
BE (E&TC), PVG’s COET, Pune, India 1
BE (E&TC), PVG’s COET, Pune, India 2
Abstract: This paper discusses two circuits for piezoelectric energy harvesting; one is integrated circuit which consists of
LTC®3588-1; a complete piezoelectric energy harvesting power supply, other one is a discrete circuit. Former one is
simulated with the LTSPICE; later one is simulated in Proteus, and both the circuits are practically built and tested in
laboratory. Based on the comparative study of these circuits, we suggest the use of integrated circuit in harvesting the
mechanical energy (pressure) produced in shock absorbers of bike which could serve as an ancillary source of energy for
Analysis of Discrete & Integrated Circuits forPiezoelectric Energy HarvestingAditya Kurude1, Mayur Bhole2BE (E&TC), PVG’s COET, Pune, India 1BE (E&TC), PVG’s COET, Pune, India 2Abstract: This paper discusses two circuits for piezoelectric energy harvesting; one is integrated circuit which consists ofLTC®3588-1; a complete piezoelectric energy harvesting power supply, other one is a discrete circuit. Former one issimulated with the LTSPICE; later one is simulated in Proteus, and both the circuits are practically built and tested inlaboratory. Based on the comparative study of these circuits, we suggest the use of integrated circuit in harvesting themechanical energy (pressure) produced in shock absorbers of bike which could serve as an ancillary source of energy for
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