Our investigations with
carrots showed that the biggest leaf assimilation area increase is in the period of
intensive leaf growth, i. e., at the end of July – in the beginning of August. At the end
of intensive leaf growth (July – the beginning of August, 81–91 days after sowing),
leaf assimilation area of carrots grown without fertilizers increased in comparison
with I measurement 2.4 times, and this of fertilized carrots – 2.5–3.3 times. Fertilizers
increased carrot leaf assimilation area 1.6–1.7 times. The leaves of carrots, fertilized
with monomial fertilizers and fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor, grew most quickly,
but there weren’t essential differences among leaf assimilation areas fertilized with
different fertilizers. When plant leaf assimilation area increased, crop assimilation
area increased also