While Silas is watching over the dying Senior Deacon, the Deacon dies.
Silas’ fellow church members accuse him of stealing the bag filled with the church’s money from the Deacon’s nightstand, because they found his knife in the drawer where the money was kept. He denies it; maybe he went in to a trance and someone came in and stole the money.
Silas tells them to search his house. William finds the empty bag behind Silas’ dresser and tells Silas to confess. Because he won’t confess to something he didn’t do, the church members end up voting to decide if Silas did it. He is found guilty, kicked out of the church, and told to return the money.
Silas accuses William of stealing the money and setting him up. William denies it.
Silas loses his faith in God and man.
Two days later, Sarah breaks up with him. A month later, she marries William.
Silas leaves Lantern Yard.