Selfie Self-Assessment
(Yes or no.)
I often spend more time taking selfies than I meant to
I would find it very difficult to make it through a day without taking a selfie
I spend a lot of time thinking about selfies or planning how I will take selfies
I feel an urge to take selfies more and more
I take and post selfies in order to forget about or avoid doing other things
I've tried to cut down on the amount of selfies I take without success
When I post a new selfie, I am very disappointed if no one comments on it
I take selfies so much that it has had a negative impact on my relationships, job or studies
I imagine everything I do as a selfie
Posting selfies makes me feel more important
If you answer yes to one or two of these questions, it’s time to step back and evaluate your use of selfies. If you answer yes to more than a couple, it’s no longer about selfies. Overuse of selfies (or any form of social media) may mean you are using short-term gratification at the expense of more important goals.
(*Note: If you feel that selfies and/or social media use are having a significant negative effect on your life and you are unable to change your thoughts or behaviors, please seek professional help. This post is meant to get you thinking; it is not a therapeutic intervention. There is no substitute for working with a qualified mental health professional.)