mandibularis sinister (mpms) originated at the back of the head.
While the mpmd inserted on the inner process, the mpms was
attached to the lateral process. The third muscle, m. tentoriomandibularis
(mtm), originated on the anterior tentorial arm and
also extended to the inner process (Fig. 4A, B).
The paired maxillae each consisted of a curved and heavy sclerotised,
fused cardo and stipes in the proximal proboscis region
(Fig. 1A). The stipes supported the two-segmented maxillary palpus
and the elongated stylet, which extended into the proximal region
of the proboscis (Figs. 1B and 3A). The weaker sclerotised stylet
resided left and right of the hypopharynx just below the mandible
blades and reached the same length. They contained a ventral and
lateral sclerotised ledge which traversed the stylets over the whole
length (Fig. 3A). The last third of each stylet was equipped with a
toothed lateral and setaceous inner edge ending in a strongly
toothed tip (Fig. 1D).
Three paired muscles were attached to the basal sclerites of the
maxilla. The musculus postgeno-stipitalis (mps) extended from the
back of the head to the stipes region. The massive m. tentoriocardinalis
(mtc) reached between the anterior tentorial arm and
the maxillary base. Two additional muscle fibres also shared a
common origin on the tentorium and branch off to their different
insertions on the maxilla. The musculus tentorio stipitalis (mts)
also extended to the lacinia base while m. tentorio-lacinialis (mtla)
was attached to the lacinia stylet