In this article we present several important aspects of a software system control. This is designed and developed for a wall assembly robot in an European Esprit III project called ROCCO, Robot assembly system for Computer integrated Construction. The system consists of an off-line program for planning of complex assembly tasks and for generating robot actions. The execution is controlled through an adaptive user interface and gives the user the possibilities to switch in an on-line mode command. All the software is designed with the object-oriented concept and implemented in C + + . The wall assembly system is organized on the base of the successive generation of different types of actions, called “Mission”, “Task”, and “Action”. They represent different levels of assembly complexities. Those different actions are organized in a tree structure. Furthermore, the software system can be connected to a CAD-robot simulation software for checking the robot assembly motions. Added to the control system, a recovery module has been implemented for all possible errors during the construction. First the OO-model of the world and of robot activities will be presented. Secondly, several aspects of the algorithm will be explained and at the Lend we will show the strategy used for the robot motion.