2.2.2. Composites/films preparation
The solvent-casting composites were prepared by dissolvingPLA pellets in tetrahydrofuran (THF) (10%, w/v) and mixed withhydrophobic modified NCF. The modified NCF was added into thePLA solution after the PLA pellets were dissolved completely, andthe mixture was thoroughly stirred for 2 h. For reference, pure PLAfilms were made by dissolving PLA pellets in THF and those solu-tions were cast onto Petri dishes. Similarly, the composite filmswith 0, 1, 5, 7, 10% (w/w) of modified NCF in PLA matrix were alsoprepared subsequently before being coated on handsheets. The sus-pension mixture of PLA and NCF were also casted onto glass Petridishes and left in a fume hood overnight to evaporate the solvent.The films were removed from the Petri dishes by dipping them into