This experiment was initiated with 120 one-day-old
unsexed broiler chicks (Hubbard) that obtained from
Arab Poultry Breeders Company. The chicks were
housed randomly in an open-sided poultry house at
poultry unit, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Fish
Sciences, Alneelain University.
The chicks with average weight of 45.74±1.19 and
2.59% Coefficient of Variation (CV) were divided into four
dietary treatments groups; each treatment was
replicated in 3 floor pens (1 x 1 x 1 m) containing 10
chicks per pen. Vaccination for Marek’s disease was
done at the hatchery, while vaccination against
Newcastle and infectious bronchitis disease was done
at 5 and 27 day of age and vaccination for infectious
bursal disease followed at 11 and 20 day of age.