Studies on the use of chia are limited to the study of its lipid, polysaccharide and protein fractions(Bushway and others 1981, 1984), snack food like products manufactured for human consumption(Coorey and others 2012; Radocaj and others 2014).
Coorey and others(2014) studied the chia gel for its functional properties and its possibility for use as a food ingredient.
Surai and Sparks(2001) reviewed the literature on enhancing the nutritional quality of eggs by increasing its anti-oxidant, w-3 DHA, vitamin E, and other nutrients.
They concluded that it is possible and advantages to develop such designer ''eggs."
At the same time Ali and others(2012) reviewed the literature on clinical studies on safety of chia and its active ingredients.
They concluded that chia is a good source of healthy oil.
The effect of feeding hens ground chia seed on w-3 content and flavor of eggs has not been published