Generation of Shipping Bills:
27.1 After the “Let Export” order is given on the EDI system by the Appraiser, the Shipping
Bill is generated in two copies i.e., one Customs copy, one exporter’s copy (EP copy
is generated after submission of EGM). After obtaining the print out the Appraiser
obtains the signatures of the Customs Officer and the representative of the CHA on
both copies of the Shipping Bill and examination report. The Appraiser thereafter signs
and stamps both the copies of the Shipping Bill.
27.2 The Appraiser also signs and stamps the original and duplicate copy of SDF and
thereafter forward the Customs copy of Shipping Bill and original copy of the SDF
along with the original declarations to Export Department. The exporter copy and the
second copy of the SDF are returned to the exporter or his agent.