Decision tree builds classification models in the form of a
tree structure. It breaks down a dataset into smaller and
smaller subsets while at the same time an associated decision
tree is incrementally developed. The final result is a tree
with decision nodes and leaf nodes.
The experiment was carried out using three classifier
models, namely; decision tree, neural network, and naive
Bayesian classifiers. This is in view to finding out which of
the classifier best suits the dataset in terms of classifying the
pre-processed data, trained data, testing, and making
prediction using the model obtained from the training process.
The detailed procedure of the experimentation is as follows:
A. Data Cleaning
The data as obtained from the UCI dataset repository have
to be cleaned and to ensure that it is in the standard quality
before the model creation is initiated. The data cleaning
conducted on the dataset as shown in Table 3 is the
conversion of nominal attributes to numeric attributes. The
nominal to numeric conversion process was conducted in
order to make the process of normalization possible.