Bertelsmann was not the only target in the Napster debacle. Music companies also went after Napster's chief venture capital backer, Hummer Winblad, on third-party liability grounds. n177 Hummer Winblad invested $ 13 million in Napster, seven-and-a-half times what Napster had previously raised in capital. n178 In return, the firm received a 20% stake in Napster. n179 A Hummer Winblad partner was named Napster's interim chief executive. n180 A year later, he returned full-time to the venture capital firm, but remained on Napster's board. n181 In fact, Hummer Winblad was said to control the board. n182 The Hummer Winblad board members later blocked a purchase offer by Bertelsmann for $ 16.5 million. n183