Male and female high school (adolescent) athletes in the United States are a population that has been sparsely studied regarding prevention of ankle sprains. In fact, this study is the first to show that balance training, as a single intervention, will significantly reduce ankle sprains in this population. One prior study also used adolescent athletes to evaluate the efficacy of balance training (an ankle disk program) for reducing ankle sprains in female team handball players (ages 16-18 years).28 However, their prevention program also included one warm-up activity for each muscle group to ensure a thorough warm-up and training of all muscle groups. The authors found that the number of ankle sprains was significantly lower in the intervention group and concluded that the specific training of balance and proprioception had an important role in the prevention of ankle sprains in young female handball players. However, they could not determine whether the balance training or the regular warm-up was the major cause for the reduction in injury rates.