Follow up meeting
The follow up meeting consists of three major parts with activities explained:
• Presentation and approval of all calculations
o Objective
Crosscheck and verification of all data/values
Agreement upon all data/values
o Tasks
Explain and evaluate the planned advancements
Present how the product cost will develop in the future.
• Develop the target achievement plan
o Objectives
Explain and evaluate the value analysis results
Develop a common agreed target achievement plan
o Tasks
Explain and evaluate the advancements
Present what impact an individual advancements has on he product costs
• Discussion of the results
o Targets
Common agreement upon introduction of advancements and sharing the benefits
o Tasks:
Review the workshop results and discuss all items and fields of improvement related to a common sharing of the benefits, considering:
• a win-win strategy for both sides
• possibility for the supplier to expand and increase current and future business
• optimize and/or implement a long-term strategic customer-supplier relationship
The exercise will hopefully result in a written agreement which states parts present at the conclusion of the cost estimation exercise, which part with current price and new price as well as time for when the new price will be in effect.
Request information from supplier form
Before the company visit we would like some initial information about you and the production process. Fill in this information to the best of your ability, it will make the visit more efficient. Thank you for your compliance, if you need any further information or directives in how to fill out the forms raise the question with your Autoliv buyer in good time so that the form can be filled out before the visit.
If any fields don’t apply to you or another structure would better describe your situation modifications can be made.
Insert data from the most recent annual statement available: