2.After Christmas life was easier.
Valerie came more often and she stayed for the weekend.
They began to call the third bedroom 'Valerie's room'.
Slowly,Dad was beginning to come back to life.
He bought some new clothes too,
and Greg was pleased about that.
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But perhaps the piece about older men losing their hair was unkind unkind, Greg thought.
He took the piece of newspaper off the kitchen wall,and wrote a note in its place.
I have gone to band practice. Val phoned. She will be here at eight. ()
Then he put the dinner to cook slowly while he was out.
The table was realy,with flowers on it, and everything looked just right.
Greg usually cooked the meals.
He was good at it, and he liked everything to be nice for his Dad and Val.
The band practice was at a friend's house, and Greg began to go there five months after Mum's death.
He just wanted to get out of the house sometimes, but he told Dad he was interested in music.