INTRODUCTION The permeances of films used for modified
Citrus fruit are non-climacteric, with persistently low around fruit, have been tested for retail packing of citrus
respiration and ethylene production rates, do not undergo and application of these films may also have potential for
any major softening or compositional changes after storage and transport of citrus [6]. This would provide a
harvest therefore, can normally be stored for relatively relatively low cost alternative to controlled atmosphere
long periods [1]. However, two major problems limit facing storage, especially for Iran which supplies fruit for short
the long-term storage capability of citrus fruit: the first is to long term storage to market. Control of atmosphere
pathological and physiological breakdown leading to within MA packages is not precise, however, being a
decay and rind disorders; the second is weight loss function of product respiration rates, film permeability and
especially in acid lime fruits [2]. However, it is practicable external factors such as temperature [5].
to sole the problem of decay development and weight The limits for the development of MA packaging
loss, either by the application of fungicide or by science fruit damage may occur due to very high CO or
alternative environmental safe methods [3]. Apart from very low O resulting from temperature fluctuations during
decay, the deterioration of citrus fruit during storage commercial handling. One strategy to decrease the risk of
results mainly from transpiration and respiration. developing of injurious gas concentrations is to place pin
Traditionally, waxes have been used on citrus fruits to holes, or microperforations, in the plastic film [7]. Benretard
transpiration. However, excessive wax coatings Yehoshua [5] found that polyethylene bags with
restricted the respiratory gas exchange of citrus, causing microperforations (microperforated polybags) reduced the
them to accumulate high levels of ethanol and develop incidence of deterioration as measured by peel shrinkage,
distinct off-flavors [4]. Recently, interest has been shown softening, deformation and loss of flavor in oranges,
in the use of plastic films as an alternative to waxing [5]. grapefruit and lemons. Benefits to background color, flesh
atmosphere packing which modify CO2 and O2 levels