Duke Huai answered, “Royal father said, when the people of the Demon Emperor’s clan have the Demon Emperor’s Seal on them, if they are in danger of life, the Demon Emperor’s Seal will automatically drink the Demon Emperor’s blood in order to launch the blood escape, and the power of blood escape can help them escape out of Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley… Also, if the Little Demon Empress finds the chance to escape to the spot where she first entered Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, she could use the Demon Emperor’s Seal to directly leave Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley…”
Having spoken of that, Duke Huai was suddenly enlightened, “Royal father, could it be…”
“That’s right,” Duke Ming grabbed the Demon Emperor’s Seal, “In order to escape Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, it needs the Demon Emperor’s blood. But in the memory of the Little Demon Emperor, it clearly recorded that dukes with a thin Demon Emperor’s blood can also do so! It would only take more blood.”
“In the entire world, only the two of us know this secret. It is known to the common people that if you want to get out of Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, you can only wait until the seal forms itself again, and then be forcefully discharged. Aside from this, there is no other way!”
“If so, when we use the Demon Emperor’s Seal to escape Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, and after this you show yourself in the Demon Imperial City, then everyone would know that you couldn’t have been in Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley! After the news of the Little Demon Empress disappearing in Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley spreads out, if the Yun Family and the Mu Family go against you, you could use this to shut them up, and even accuse them!”
Duke Huai’s eyes immediately brightened up; he could almost see the incredibly awful look on Yun Qinghong’s face when that happened, “Royal father is wise!”
“Let us wait temporarily for an hour,” Duke Ming said softly as he looked at the Sea of Death once again.
Duke Huai stuttered, “Could royal father be worried that… but falling into the Sea of Death, there is no possibility for them to live. Even if it was royal father, you would also…”
“Hmph!” Duke Ming scoffed lightly, “This Yun Che reveals a lot of strangeness! You weren’t able to kill him with all your powers, making me feel like this person cannot be judged with normal reasoning… it even made me feel an instant of a sense of danger!”
“Even if the Little Demon Empress doesn’t die, he must die!” Duke Ming said coldly, “This Sea of Death is the molten lava of the Golden Crow that has been boiling for ten thousand years!”
“This can count as a reward for him making this duke feel an instant of the sense of danger!”
“Yes.” Even though Duke Huai thought Duke Ming’s cautiousness was too exaggerated and even ridiculous, he didn’t dare to disobey. And one hour was far from enough for the Yun Family and the Mu Family who had entered Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley to arrive here in time.
The only result of falling into the Sea of Death was becoming ashes, no matter who it was.
The Little Demon Empress closed her eyes… Disappearing into the Sea of Death was at least far better than dying in the hands of Duke Ming and Duke Huai. It was just that she was destined to not be able to take revenge and reconcile this hatred higher than the heavens. Even the truth would remain unknown forever. Even the whole Illusory Demon Realm would fall into the hands of Duke Huai Palace.
She had an infinite amount of unwillingness, but at this moment, she was incredibly calm. She didn’t know if it was because death was close within reach, or because… of this man by her side who was hugging with her tightly.
She felt her entire body sinking into the boiling lava, the sense of burning was flowing everywhere. What was even more scary than the burning feeling, was the sense of death. But the time passed by breath by breath, she still didn’t feel her life disappearing, didn’t lose her senses, but the sensation of sinking was particularly clear. The burning feeling around her still existed, but it didn’t become stronger. Even though her body had been seriously injured, she was still able to endure it completely.
The Little Demon Empress opened her eyes in confusion, and found a pair of bright eyes looking straight at her. Yun Che grinned and said, “Heh… did… you… think… that… you died… already?”