8. Social sustainability of the ecotourism project /business
Community involvement and benefits
In this community-based ecotourism project, a tourism management team from the community has been institution and this team is responsible for managing all aspects of the ecotourism operation. Tour guides, stewards and all other employed on the project are community members. Capacity building in financial management, customer service and tour guiding are currently underway for selected community members that frequently are in contact with tourists. The project is entirely dependent on the local people and economy for all services provided for tourists. The local economy has over the past years expanded and many community members are enjoying financial gains from tourist inflow to the site.
9. Ecotourism sustainability of the ecotourism project /business
A. Marketing and promotion
Marketing and promotion activities for the project include brochures, features in guidebooks and on the website for the local NGO working with the community. Most people also visit the site based on recommendations from friends of family members. Basically, the type of information communicated about the project is on the effort being made by the. Community to project their natural resource and culture and ways in which tourism revenue generated are being utilized for community development. Despite the modest level of infrastructure and marketing, the site has been receiving a steady flow of tourism over the past years. Promotional activities planned for the site in the near future are to produce brochures, engage in some local marketing promotions and update information in guidebooks and on the internet.
B. Profitability of the ecotourism business
The average monthly revenue is € 2.825.000 ( us$ 350 ) and the revenue for the first half of the year around us$ 2100. Monthly visitors are 150. The project intends to boost its revenue at the site. The site is yet to achieve its full potential in terms of maximizing revenue and the rate of return for investments made. However, the community as a result of the ecotourism operation have had their old school renovated through the assistance of a tourist, installed street lights and engaged in secondary project for future ecotourism returns.