studying strawmovement. Trash-board is observed here to have a substantial
impact on strawcover similar to that of strawmulching as used
in a previous study (Fernández and Vega, 2014),which in turn favored
vegetation cover recovery. Itwas observed that the strawmovement for
100 mm straw lengths is lower than that for the straw lengths of
250 mm and 150 mm. Also, lateral tracers of 100 mm length were
lower than those measured with the longitudinal tracers. However,
these results completely exclude the impact of different lengths of
straw on one another. The 100 mm length straw had the lowest displacement
for all positions of movement. The results indicate that
straw length significantly increased the lateral straw displacement for
all 3 lengths considered in this study, because more strawwas removed
to the outside of the second and third furrows at low tillage speed, as
shown in the rows in Figs. 7 and 8. This result explains that 100 mm