ASEAN aims to benefit from the integration of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community to the public welfare. Disease-free A good environment There is a sense of unity And develop a common regional identity. The aim was to promote knowledge and understanding among member countries in areas such as strengthening the links between the foundation and the strong will lead to mutual understanding.
youth is the cornerstone of the nation and the nation is strong, it was modeled on the basis of social strength as well as
youth development. began the study Because young people are those who have a significant role in the development of society in the future when the signal to ASEAN louder. That was the beginning of the broad development of ASEAN member countries to improve the quality of youth. By using the mechanism towards the objective. With a better understanding of each other. Maintain peace and political stability. Create economic growth, social development and culture. The well-being on the basis of equality and mutual benefit cooperation among ASEAN members.
the major factor in the development of youth Thailand. The heart of the ASEAN To develop themselves to be citizens of the world. Is a young person's education and self-development, it is important that young people need to be aware. Commitment and determination in order to change their behavior based on the concept of sufficiency economy. the world would be like if youth Thailand will persevere and strive to improve themselves as "citizens of the world" quality, it would be done. It can be done efficiently and with quality.That was the beginning of the broad development of ASEAN member countries to improve the quality of youth. By using the mechanism towards the objective. With a better understanding of each other. Maintain peace and political stability.