MARX society, exploitation and Marx's vision of the ideal means pronation are things of the past. The r ed, which analysis is made by Kapferer (1988), who Anzac Day is a celebration of core Australian c values, ding mateship, egalitarian in clualism are communally own of society are disappearance social classes. Members their own human beings: they control freedom from state interference. By celebrating more than honour e Day, Australians are doing heir war heroes. They are honouring Australian destinies and work together for the common Religion does not this commun have because he social conditions which produce it disappea d. To Marx, religion is an illusion which d oppress and Australian culture in a way that reinforces of the nation solidarity and membership in greater detail Kapferer's ideas are examine 7) Kapferer's cultural analysis pushed the eases the pain roduced exploitation and s a series of myths which justify d legitimate an he subordination of the subject class and the domina tion and privilege of the ruling class. a distortion of reality which provides many of the deceptions that dorm the basis of ruling-class ideology a d false class Chapter religion beyond the framework o of by injecting into it notions of power and il struggle. CRITICISMS OF THE FUNCTIONALIST APPROACH main criticism of the functionalist perspective is consciousness. that its emphasis on harmony, integration a solidaropium of the people neglects the many instances in which religion is a Religion as 'the the sigh of the and disruptive force. It bypasses the frequent In Marx's words, Religion is heartless world and the examples of internal visions within a community creature, the sentiment of a opium of the questions of religious dogma and worship- divi- soul of soulless conditions. It is the sions which can lead to open conflict. It gives little consideration to hostility between different religious acts as an opiate to dull the pain produced by oppres- hin the same society, h as uslims and As such, religion merely stupefies adherents suc M Christians in Lebanon. In such cases religion can be rather than bringing them true happiness and fulfi seen as a direct threat to social order. As Charles Glock ment 1r Lenin's words, Religion is a kind of spiritual and Rodney Stark (1965) state in their criticism of gin in which slaves capital drown their human functionalist views on religion: "We find it difficult to shape and their claims to any decent life' (cited in Lane h the considerable the general theory 970, p. 458) evidence of religious conflict The history of Christ From a Marxist perspective religion can dull the ianity, with its many schisms, manifests the great pain of oppression in the following four ways power of religion not only to bind but to divide 1 Religion promises a paradise o eternal bliss in life after death which appeals to oppressed classes. closely related to this weakness is the filure of 2 Some religions make virtue of the suffering pro- eories to acknowledge that religion functionalist the may be used by dominant groups to provide moral and duced by oppression n particular, those who bear the deprivations poverty with dignity and humility for their powerful position ideological justification over subordinates. is this aspect of religion which be rewarded for their virtue. Religion makes poverty more tolerable by offering a reward for materialists emphasis suffering and promising redress for injustice in th Materialist theories of religion afterlife. Materialist theories of religion share with functional 3 Religion can offer the hope of supernatural inter sts n emphasis on the influence o the social structure vention to solve the probl on earth. Members of on religious expression. while functionalists stress religious groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses live the integrative aspects of religion, materialists regard anticipation of the day when the supernatural religion as a source of division and exploitation. The powers will descend from high an create heaven materialist perspective is rooted in the work of Karl on earth. Anticipation of future can make the Marx, who argues that all forms of cultural expression present more acceptable including religion are powerfully influenced by 4 Religion o justifies the social order and a person's economic forces. on within it. God can be seen ereating and
7MARX society, exploitation and Marx's vision of the ideal means pronation are things of the past. The r ed, which analysis is made by Kapferer (1988), who Anzac Day is a celebration of core Australian c values, ding mateship, egalitarian in clualism are communally own of society are disappearance social classes. Members their own human beings: they control freedom from state interference. By celebrating more than honour e Day, Australians are doing heir war heroes. They are honouring Australian destinies and work together for the common Religion does not this commun have because he social conditions which produce it disappea d. To Marx, religion is an illusion which d oppress and Australian culture in a way that reinforces of the nation solidarity and membership in greater detail Kapferer's ideas are examine 7) Kapferer's cultural analysis pushed the eases the pain roduced exploitation and s a series of myths which justify d legitimate an he subordination of the subject class and the domina tion and privilege of the ruling class. a distortion of reality which provides many of the deceptions that dorm the basis of ruling-class ideology a d false class Chapter religion beyond the framework o of by injecting into it notions of power and il struggle. CRITICISMS OF THE FUNCTIONALIST APPROACH main criticism of the functionalist perspective is consciousness. that its emphasis on harmony, integration a solidaropium of the people neglects the many instances in which religion is a Religion as 'the the sigh of the and disruptive force. It bypasses the frequent In Marx's words, Religion is heartless world and the examples of internal visions within a community creature, the sentiment of a opium of the questions of religious dogma and worship- divi- soul of soulless conditions. It is the sions which can lead to open conflict. It gives little consideration to hostility between different religious acts as an opiate to dull the pain produced by oppres- hin the same society, h as uslims and As such, religion merely stupefies adherents suc M Christians in Lebanon. In such cases religion can be rather than bringing them true happiness and fulfi seen as a direct threat to social order. As Charles Glock ment 1r Lenin's words, Religion is a kind of spiritual and Rodney Stark (1965) state in their criticism of gin in which slaves capital drown their human functionalist views on religion: "We find it difficult to shape and their claims to any decent life' (cited in Lane h the considerable the general theory 970, p. 458) evidence of religious conflict The history of Christ From a Marxist perspective religion can dull the ianity, with its many schisms, manifests the great pain of oppression in the following four ways power of religion not only to bind but to divide 1 Religion promises a paradise o eternal bliss in life after death which appeals to oppressed classes. closely related to this weakness is the filure of 2 Some religions make virtue of the suffering pro- eories to acknowledge that religion functionalist the may be used by dominant groups to provide moral and duced by oppression n particular, those who bear the deprivations poverty with dignity and humility for their powerful position ideological justification over subordinates. is this aspect of religion which be rewarded for their virtue. Religion makes poverty more tolerable by offering a reward for materialists emphasis suffering and promising redress for injustice in th Materialist theories of religion afterlife. Materialist theories of religion share with functional 3 Religion can offer the hope of supernatural inter sts n emphasis on the influence o the social structure vention to solve the probl on earth. Members of on religious expression. while functionalists stress religious groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses live the integrative aspects of religion, materialists regard anticipation of the day when the supernatural religion as a source of division and exploitation. The powers will descend from high an create heaven materialist perspective is rooted in the work of Karl on earth. Anticipation of future can make the Marx, who argues that all forms of cultural expression present more acceptable including religion are powerfully influenced by 4 Religion o justifies the social order and a person's economic forces. on within it. God can be seen ereating and
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