I will go online to to ‘Validate’ (i.e. provide accurate details of my American residential address, phone number and e- mail address – even if temporary) as soon as possible, but no later than 5 days after my arrival in the U.S. or 30 after the start- date in section 3 of my DS-2019, whichever arrives first. I understand that I may be unable to obtain a Social Security Number unless I have validated. If I fail to do this, I understand IENA may terminate my program. This will end my DS-2019 and insurance.

I understand that I will receive monthly correspondence from IENA. I will complete all required surveys and evaluations. If I fail to do this, I understand that my program may be terminated.
I understand that IENA must provide SEVIS with my current address, telephone number, and email and that I must update each and every time this information changes. If I fail to do this and my details in SEVIS are incorrect, my program may be terminated.

I understand that my J-1 visa cannot be extended. I declare that I have no intention of staying in the USA after the final date allowed by this program.
I understand that I may remain in the US for 30 days after the program end date on form DS-2019. However, the local US Embassy may require me to return to my home country by the DS-2019 end date. I have discussed this issue with my sending organization.
I know of no reason why I may be refused a visa (a: arrest or conviction of a crime; b: applied to migrate to the US; c: previously experienced US visa/immigration problems; or d: overstayed on a previous visit). If I suspect I may have problems, I have disclosed these reasons in writing to my recruiter. If a visa is refused for reasons previously undisclosed, no refund will be given.