This excerpt highlights the need to resolve management ten- sions and establish the feasibility of incorporating new organisations into the management system. An executive from Touch Cloud Resort introduced a friend of his to the JE employee J1, who was the CEO of Chengdu G real estate company (GC). The executive arranged for his friend to go on a Taoping “fieldtrip”. GC showed great interest in collaborating with JE for managing Taoping attraction. The negotiations between GC and JE finally resulted in a collaborative agreement: in terms of rights, GC would take over Taoping attraction for 40 years, while JE would only be responsible for approving the development and conservation schemes of Taoping attraction; in terms of revenue sharing, GC would pay 200,000 yuan to JE and 20% of ticket income to the Taoping villagers annually. The collaborative project was characterised by a shared management structure and vision, as the JE employee J9 explained:“The partnership with GC was a new venture to manage Taoping Qiang Village more effectively at that time, because we strongly believed that an external organisation could offer some new ideas and implement new development practices”. (J9, 29 Sep 2017)