2: Background
Since June 2013, NZQA has been assisting TPQI to develop and implement aspects of an ambitious work programme, which is being rolled out until 2017. This programme includes the development of competency-based occupational standards and qualifications for a broad range of Thai industry sectors, and the development of an assessment and certification system for Thai industry.
In June 2014, NZQA and TPQI signed an Education Cooperation Arrangement and an Advisory Services Agreement. A programme of work comprising three key activities was delivered subsequently in Bangkok and Wellington in October and November 2014. The programme involved:
• A review of TPQI operational policy in Bangkok
• Delivery of an Expert Assessor Advisory Programme in Bangkok
• Delivery of a ten-day tailored programme of training in Wellington for four TPQI staff to build capability in qualifications development and the quality assurance of qualifications.
The reciprocal visits and information exchanges from 2013-2015, and delivery of the initial programme of work, have enabled NZQA to understand TPQI’s strategic context and operational objectives.
In September 2015, TPQI and NZQA, assisted by New Zealand G2G KnowHow, commenced discussions about a follow-on programme of work focussed on TPQI’s establishment of a Quality Assurance department.
The resulting Contract for Service included three key outputs which were delivered in Bangkok and Wellington in January and Feb/March 2016. The programme involved:
1. Reviewing TPQF current and proposed quality assurance processes and their current application in Bangkok;
2. Developing an implementation blueprint report including process mapping of the quality assurance system, and identification of key policies for development in Bangkok and Wellington; and
3. Follow up discussions and advice on the implementation blueprint report through tele- or videoconference in Wellington and Bangkok.
Reviewing TPQF current and proposed quality assurance processes and their current application
Linda Glogau, Manager Qualifications Services, NZQA undertook the review through professional discussions and workshops with TPQI officials during the week of 16 23 January.
Key themes included:
1. TPQI’s current situation and the context for the establishment of the quality assurance bureau
o Assessment Centre
o Use of assessment tools
o Occupational standards and qualification levels
o Role and function of the new unit and its relationship to the other bureaus
2. Overview and comparison with NZQA’s Evaluative Quality Assurance Framework
o principles, systems, processes, documentation and experiences
o entry processes, maintaining quality, external evaluation and review, and risk management
o self-assessment evidence basis
3. Review of Thailand Professional Qualifications Framework (TPQF) current and proposed quality assurance processes, and their current application
• Occupational standards & qualifications
o Research & development of occupational standards
o Occupational standards revision and review process
o Occupational standards manual review and update
• Assessment tools
o Assessment tools process issues
o Assessment tool development guidelines review and update
• Assessment centre accreditation, and renewal and audit of accreditation
o Assessment Centre assessment process
o Assessment Centre certification issuing process
o Assessor selection & approval process
o Examiner selection, training & approval process
• Occupational Standard Data base
o Occupational Standards Database process
o Data collection and award of qualifications process
• Identification of gaps and potential system improvements.
4. Development of TPQI quality assurance framework, system and principles, and an implementation blueprint
• Quality assurance framework and principles
• Quality enhancement approach
• Occupational standards
• Assessment Tools
• Assessment Centres
o Verification of assessor decisions.
Translation support was provided for the work programme activities in Thailand.
The programme included information sharing, workshops, and professional discussion sessions.
3: Findings
This section outlines the findings from the TPQF current and proposed quality assurance processes review.
3.1 Review of TPQI current and proposed quality assurance processes
3.1.1 Occupational standards (units of competence, qualifications and assessment tools)
This activity is the responsibility of the Bureau of National Professional Qualification System (BNPQS).
NZQA’s observation
Senior project managers maintain oversight of project deliverables across all projects and monitor their own projects. Each project has a 365 day (one year) timeframe. 185 days are allocated to the development of assessment tools (including piloting).
The Occupational Standards manual provides broad guidance to project managers and consultants contracted to undertake the project. The manual includes information about the Thailand Professional Qualifications