Something interesting happens in the sky. You can watch it at night. You can watch it from any place on earth. Yes, we are talking about the “supermoon.”
Sometimes, the moon gets closer to earth. When it is very close, we can see the supermoon. The supermoon looks bigger than the normal moon.
Difficult words: earth (planet we live on), moon (white rock that is next to our planet), normal (what we see all of the time).
You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section.
A giant “supermoon” lit up the world recently. The event was the most dramatic one of the year.
A supermoon happens when it is a full moon or new moon, and the moon is also closest to the earth. The moon then looks bigger. The moon gets closer to the earth from time to time. The moon may sometimes look bigger, but it is not a supermoon. There can be only one supermoon per year.
You could watch the supermoon from any place on the planet.
Difficult words: light up (to let light on something), full moon (when you can see the whole moon), new moon (when you can see a very small part of the moon).
You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section.