HipHopLead- Being a west coast resident have you peeped out the new Kendrick Lamar album? A lot of people are labeling it a classic? If so, what did you think of it? How was the production in your mind?
I got that in my Car and on my iPod actually. I’m really feeling it, classic hands down. I’m all about different sounds and just being different. Kendrick’s album doesn’t sound like anything out there at all and that’s what I’m all about. Some people were hating on it, but in my eyes that’s when you know you really made a classic! He is super lyrical and I like how he’s not trying to be super hard in every song and he’s not trying to be conscious 24/7, he’s perfectly right in between. Great album Kendrick! When you getting on a Juscelino beat? Get at me!
Here at HipHopLead we like to ask different types of questions out of the norm to give fans a broader idea of the person you are. So with that said … let’s get it cracking!
HipHopLead- Favorite Food?
Lobster & Shrimp, when I can afford it.
HipHopLead- Better lookin women .. Florida or Cali?
CALI!!!! But I can’t forget all the fly senoritas in FL!
HipHopLead- Is the world going to end next week, 12-21-12?
Naa bro, it’s just going to begin actually!
HipHopLead- Tell us about a hidden talent that you have?
I can do upside down pull-ups.
HipHopLead- Why is Kanye West and A$ap Rocky wearing skirts now?
I don’t know but I think it’s the whole do something crazy and get people to talk about you thing. Like Lady Gaga with her Meat dress and such. I definitely don’t approve of Men wearing Skirts, that’s against the Guy code.
Back to the norm …
HipHopLead- Being a west coast resident have you peeped out the new Kendrick Lamar album? A lot of people are labeling it a classic? If so, what did you think of it? How was the production in your mind?
I got that in my Car and on my iPod actually. I’m really feeling it, classic hands down. I’m all about different sounds and just being different. Kendrick’s album doesn’t sound like anything out there at all and that’s what I’m all about. Some people were hating on it, but in my eyes that’s when you know you really made a classic! He is super lyrical and I like how he’s not trying to be super hard in every song and he’s not trying to be conscious 24/7, he’s perfectly right in between. Great album Kendrick! When you getting on a Juscelino beat? Get at me!
Here at HipHopLead we like to ask different types of questions out of the norm to give fans a broader idea of the person you are. So with that said … let’s get it cracking!
HipHopLead- Favorite Food?
Lobster & Shrimp, when I can afford it.
HipHopLead- Better lookin women .. Florida or Cali?
CALI!!!! But I can’t forget all the fly senoritas in FL!
HipHopLead- Is the world going to end next week, 12-21-12?
Naa bro, it’s just going to begin actually!
HipHopLead- Tell us about a hidden talent that you have?
I can do upside down pull-ups.
HipHopLead- Why is Kanye West and A$ap Rocky wearing skirts now?
I don’t know but I think it’s the whole do something crazy and get people to talk about you thing. Like Lady Gaga with her Meat dress and such. I definitely don’t approve of Men wearing Skirts, that’s against the Guy code.
Back to the norm …
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