RCEP will be built on ASEAN’s experience and is expected to integrate all five of the
ASEAN+1 FTAs into a regional economic framework3. Being an ASEAN process, it will be
guided by the “ASEAN way” where objectives and commitments are driven by a consensus
process. RCEP is likely to be more accommodative of the development differences of the
member countries, thus providing flexibility and adjusting mechanisms in reaching the common
end-goals. In addition to liberalizing trade in goods, services and investment, it will pay
more attention to physical, institutional and people-to-people connectivity and to narrowing
development gaps and will be built in response to new developments, such as the emerging
international production networks.
RCEP will be built on ASEAN’s experience and is expected to integrate all five of theASEAN+1 FTAs into a regional economic framework3. Being an ASEAN process, it will beguided by the “ASEAN way” where objectives and commitments are driven by a consensusprocess. RCEP is likely to be more accommodative of the development differences of themember countries, thus providing flexibility and adjusting mechanisms in reaching the commonend-goals. In addition to liberalizing trade in goods, services and investment, it will paymore attention to physical, institutional and people-to-people connectivity and to narrowingdevelopment gaps and will be built in response to new developments, such as the emerginginternational production networks.
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