. Daily observations of fish gastrointestinal emptying patterns
indicate that O. niloticus fed the copra and palm kernel meal
diets had shorter gastric retention times and produced more faecal
material relative to the groups fed the control and soy diets,
although the former was not directly quantified. Faecal matter production
(g DM kg−1 ingested feed) following the ingestion of the
experimental diets was significantly different (p < 0.05) among the
dietary treatments. Faecal production in the O. niloticus groups fed
the copra meal and palm kernel meal diets were 358.08 ± 7.35
and 372.60 ± 10.19 g DM kg−1 ingested feed respectively, which
were significantly higher than the control (274.79 ± 5.44 g DM kg−1
ingested feed) and soybean meal diets (239.49 g DM kg−1 ingested
feed) (Fig. 3)