In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of
induction of lipase expression, we have set up a search method for genes controlling lipase
expression by use of a cosmid library containing fragments of P. alcaligenes genomic DNA.
A screen for lipase hyperproduction resulted in the selection of multiple transformants, of
which the best-producing strains comprised cosmids that shared an overlapping genomic
fragment. Within this fragment, two previously unidentified genes were found and named
lipQ and lipR. Their encoded proteins belong to the NtrBC family of regulators that
regulate gene expression via binding to a specific upstream activator sequence (UAS).
Such an NtrC-like UAS was identified in a previous study in the P. alcaligenes lipase
promoter, strongly suggesting that LipR acts as a positive regulator of lipase expression.
The regulating role could be confirmed by a down-regulated lipase expression in a strain
with an inactivated lipR gene and a threefold increase in lipase yield in a large-scale
fermentation when expressing the lipQR operon from the multicopy plasmid pLAFR3.
Finally, cell-free protein extracts of a LipR-overexpressing strain caused a retardation of
the lipase promoter fragment in a band shift assay. Our results indicate that lipase
expression in P. alcaligenes is under the control of the LipQR two-component system.