Even though 3D integrated circuits show great benefits, there are several challenges for the adoption of 3D technology for future architecture design: (1) Thermal management. The move from 2D to 3D design could accentuate the thermal concerns due to the increased power density. To mitigate the thermal impact,thermal-aware design techniques must be adopted for 3D architecture design [13]; (2) Design Tools and methodologies. 3D integration technology will not be commercially viable without the support of EDA tools and methodologies that allow architects and circuit designers to develop new architectures or circuits using this technology. To efficiently exploit the benefits of 3D technologies, design tools and methodologies to support 3D designs are imperative; (3) Cost implication. Cost analysis and cost-driven design methodologies are also needed for 3D IC technology to become main stream [21], [22]. (4) Testing. One of the barriers to 3D technology adoption is insufficient understanding of 3D testing issues and the lack of design-for testability(DFT) techniques for 3D ICs [23], [24], which have remained largely unexplored in the research community.