A little about me. My family is important and in many ways I have traits from both parents. I was born in England. Though late but My father was very active and he kayaks daily along lake Champlain until the water freezes over. My mother was a professor in art history and lived in Scotland each summer and then back to California. Like them, being fit is important to me as is understanding and exploring other cultures and languages.
I moved down to California some years ago after my divorce and a year working in both Toronto and Scotland, before i lost my parents in a car accident. I bought an apartment a couple years ago as commitment to staying in the California after i sold my parents house as to reduce size, i wanted a little something small and enjoy activities such as beach volleyball by pacifica beach, half marathons and a bowl of pho on a cold day.
I've been working in energy field supplying solar electricity for several years, mainly in the countries of Asia, western and southern Africa. In short, my job is to make sure solar panels are installed in the appropriate locations and branded to suit the market.
I'm looking for someone who is athletic and engages in the world beyond the U.S. I speak little French and enjoy learning about other languages and culture.
When I divorced my wife, I went through a deep depression, but the lessons where great. I had to do a lot of soul searching and take responsibility for my part, a very difficult thing to do. It is always easier to blame the other but in my case was a cheating wife. I had to go to therapy, I even took antidepressant for about a year, the pain was so great. It was like death. A lot came up for me, mostly my child hood issues. I did a lot of painful growing up. I hope this makes sense to you. I also had a great friend (my aunt) who helped me see my reality, and that one needs to take care one's self happiness before entering into a new relationship or else you repeat the same mistakes. I am happy to have friends..