oth letter from DBD contain exactly the same content, but one was sent to LZD IHQ's authorized director, the other to its accountant (book keeper).
It alleged that LZD IHQ booked its account for the fiscal year 2015 wrong, not conform to accounting standard in Accountancy Act BE 2543 (2000 AD). To the allegation, LZD IHQ did not sufficiently submit credible evidences to prove the existence of transactions booked in the account. It said that LZD IHQ booked the equity payment transaction incorrectly, inconsistent with the facts. The transactions booked in the financial statement must consist with the balance sheet. This was considered a violation of the Accountancy Act BE 2543, section 34, punishable by fined not exceeding THB 10,000. The letter also instructed LZD IHQ to be more prudent when booking the account.
In my opinion, this is no big deal, we can correct the mistake. However, the letter does not mention that which transaction was booked incorrectly, and what substantial evidence was required.