I’d like to explain about this,
We tried to contacted and delivered to her many times but she didn’t available to receive the goods until over KPI D+5, after that she called back to our office and told that she want to get it, so our staff explain to her politely “could you re-order again with call center please?”, that day was my day-off so I didn’t know about this that day.
03-Dec-2013 in the morning she called our office again I picked up her phone she ask me that “can you send me the goods at Klang area?” I said that ‘Yes, sir. But should be in the afternoon about 03:00 PM because our truck have to repair at TOYOTA centre first. Then my staff told me about her history so I call her and explain, she was very angry and called ‘call center’.
After that call center needed us to deliver the goods to her then I called her to made appoint and deliver the goods on 04-Dec-13. That is it all history.