One focus of attention within the confectionery
industry is to increase energy efficiency. This means
that all processes and working steps in production
and logistics should be managed with as little
energy as is possible.
Higher energy efficiency reduces the consumption
of resources, lowers the cost and improves the
compatibility of companies on national and
international markets. This leads to immediate relief
on the environment and a better image of the
individual company and the industry as a whole.
The term “sustainable production” leads to an
extended consideration of the subject matter. It is
not only limited to the use of energy but also
includes the sensible handling of all resources
needed for production. Today’s approach is to
ensure a permanent and with that sustainable
management for the next generations.
These subjects offer the manufacturers of machines
and equipment for the confectionery industry the
chance to prove their capabilities and innovative
power. In cooperation between confectionery
producers and machine suppliers, energy efficiency
and sustainability are topics that are increasingly
gaining importance.