HISTORY: Supraspinatus tendon tear, right shoulder
TECHNIQUE: MRI examination of the shoulder is performed with a local coil.
Transverse, oblique coronal and oblique sagittal short TR/TE and long TR/TE and fast spin
echo images are obtained. Additional axial, oblique coronal PD fat suppressed images are
There is a type II acromion [concave inferior border with anterior subacromial spur]. The
acromion process thickness is measured about 6.5 mm. There is no anterior or lateral down
sloping of the acromion process. There is osteoarthritis of the right acromioclavicular joint.
There is subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis.
There is loss of normal muscle bulk with grade I fatty degeneration (fatty streaks) of the right
supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles. There is tendinopathy with complete full-thickness
tear of the right suprspinatus tendon. There is retraction of the SSP tendon underneath to the
AC joint. Tendinopathy with incomplete full-thickness tear of the right infraspinatus at
anterior tendon portion, (measured about 1.2 cm in length* 0.5 cm in width) is present. The
subscapularis and teres minor tendons are intact without evidence of tendinopathy or tear.
On this nonarthrographic examination, the biceps and labrums are normal. Minimal amount
of fluid is present in the shoulder joint. No loose bodies are identified.
There are few small right posterolateral humeral head bone cysts, (measured about 0.2 cm in
- Evidence of anterior subacromial spur may contribute external impingement, right
- Tendinopathy with complete full-thickness tear of the right supraspinatus tendon.
(note: retraction of the SSP tendon underneath to the AC joint).
- Tendinopathy with incomplete full-thickness tear of the right infraspinatus at
anterior tendon portion, (about 1.2 cm length* 0.5 cm width).
- Grade I fatty degeneration of the right supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles.
- Osteoarthritis of the right acromioclavicular joint.
- Subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis.
- Few small right posterolateral humeral head bone cysts.
MRI right shoulder
History supraspinatus Tendons torn right shoulder
technique MRI of the shoulder to proceed with the winding local.
Transverse oblique coronal and oblique sagittal TR Short / TE and long TR / TE and rapidly rotating
mirror to get the more oblique fat PD circulation. suppress the images are
there are two kinds collarbone. [Border inferior concave face spur Subacromial] is
thick, the clavicle was measured at 6.5 mm or no down side
slopes of the clavicle with osteoarthritis of the joints of chromic Oklahoma. William Millar queue is correct.
There. Subacromial-subdeltoid Bursitis is.
There is a loss of normal muscle with fatty degeneration grade. (Streaks of fat) of a valid
supraspinatus. subscapularis And muscle tendinopathy is complete with a full thickness
tear of the tendon suprspinatus a contraction of the NSA, which is under the
joint. AC tendinopathy A tear is not completely full thickness. infraspinatus In the
Front End division (measuring about 1.2 cm long and 0.5 cm wide *) is present
there. subscapularis, and teres minor remains without evidence of tendinopathy or tear.
verification. This is normal labrums nonarthrographic biceps and a minimal amount
of liquid contained in the shoulder joint is loose bodies are identified.
There is not a right. posterolateral Cysts, bone head humeral small (measuring about 0.2 cm in
- evidence before Subacromial spur may cause clashes outside right
- Tendinopathy with a complete tear full-thickness tendon. supraspinatus Right.
(Note: the contraction of the NSA at the AC joint).
- Tendinopathy with a complete tear, full thickness. infraspinatus Appropriate
. The front end (about 1.2 cm long, 0.5 cm *. Wide)
- grade the deterioration of the fat. supraspinatus subscapularis And muscles.
- Osteoarthritis of the joints of chromic Oklahoma. William Millar queue right.
- Bursitis Subacromial-Subdeltoid.
- A little right posterolateral humeral head bone cysts.
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