All subjects underwent sit and reach flexibility testing, trunk extension flexibility testing, a dynamic trunk rotation flexibility test and a shuttle eraser pick up run in a random order. The modified sit and reach test was used to eliminate the problem of disproportional limb lengths. The procedure of Hoeger and Hoeger,13 was followed.
Sit and reach testing required the subjects to sit with buttock on floor, shoulders and head in contact with the wall. The legs were extended, with the knees straight and the soles of the feet placed against the sit and reach box. The hands were placed one on top of the other, with neither set of fingers extending beyond the other. A yardstick was placed on top the box with the zero end toward the subject. The subject reached forward, rounding the shoulder but keeping the head and shoulders against the wall. The yardstick was positioned and held so that the end of the yardstick touched the extended fingers. This yardstick position was then held firmly in place as the subject leaned forward allowing the head and shoulders to move away from the wall. The fingers were slid along the top of the yardstick. Three slow forward movements were made, holding the third for a minimum of 2 seconds. Three attempts were made and the best reach was recorded to the nearest quarter centimeter.